My ceramic art has become intertwined with my career in adverting and marketing. For 35+ years, I made my living in the advertising industry.

Fine art and advertising rarely mix in a gallery. It took me too long to recognize, accept, and convert my advertising aesthetics into a ceramic form of art. My art is different than traditional pottery, to say the least, but for me it is a comfortable form of expression. All my graphic design 'tools of the trade' are in play and funneled into the clay medium. Illustration, photography, typefaces, headlines, body copy, taglines, color, layout, and package design. It's all in there - building a narrative and making a pop culture impact.

My ceramics have embraced the dynamic advertising and communication methods of our American culture and applied them to anything and everything. Coffins, liquor flasks, medical antidotes, paper airplanes, and valentine hearts, are recognizable icons, but covered in graphics and commentary.